If you are wondering what features have been added, please visit the release notes.When you register at MediBang, various services will be available.If you want to use MediBang Paint’s “Cloud Cooperation”, “Abundance of Materials”, “Famous Fonts” and “Various Brushes”, please register as a MediBang.If you want to know more about how to use MediBang Paint, we recommend the “How to Use”.If you are new to MediBang Paint, do a “Tutorial”.(※ You need to create a MediBang user account to use the work cloud coordination function.) What Do You Do Next? It is possible to edit one work in the cloud cooperation with all versions of the app. In addition to the PC version you have installed, there is an iPad version, an iPhone version, and an Android version of MediBang Paint. “MediBang Paint” is a software that can use “cloud collaboration of works”, “many materials”, “famous fonts” and “various brushes” free of charge, and can draw pictures comfortably with light motion.

Thanks for installing MediBang Paint Pro!!